Du sport et beaucoup plus…
On the Field est un Magazine de 200 pages, tout couleur, dos carré collé, au format 235 x 300 mm.
Trimestriel de luxe, On the Field est un nouveau titre qui bouscule les codes de la presse sportive : angles décalés, ton inédit, enquêtes iconoclastes et fouillées avec des interviews sur le fil du rasoir et des reportages hors-normes…
Une approche éditoriale multisports, mixte et originale, avec un ton unique et un parler vrai, du second degré pour aborder le sport, l’actualité et la culture autrement…
Avec un prix attractif de 5,00 euros, c’est l’un des Magazines les moins chers dans le secteur du trimestriel de luxe.
Tirage : 35 000 exemplaires
Distribution : Kiosques

Sports and much more
The intersection of sports, fashion and popular culture…
On the Field is a full-colour 200 pages Magazine production dedicated to sports and culture. An informed, authentic, unique, unconventional, contemporary, surprising, fearless cultural document… with an initial print run of 35,000 copies distributed in France.
Classic in feel, contemporary in inclination, On the Field has an editorial philosophy of highlighting the past, emphasising the future.
Deliver the voice of a new sports culture…
With our features pop and cultural, our angles freshs and our editorial philosophy strong yet playful, On the Field is a surprising take on culture and sports. As a quarterly, we write not about what is necessarily new, but about what is good…
Acclaimed sport and cultural, political and social journalists regularly contribute their work. If you’re looking for relevant, engaging cultural news and stories that appeal to a broad audience, On the Field is your best bet for content.
On the Field online Blog provides a point of interaction with the magazine well beyond the page, and cultivates a clickable, remarkable and engaging portal for sports and culture enthusiasts.
With rich media content, interactive digital platforms, featuring a daily blog, onthefieldmagazine.com provides online exclusives, news, videos, links, events, e-newsletters… for those who care to share the love…